What is Solar Hybrid (Off-Grid), Solar Grid interactive and Solar Grid Interactive Hybrid systems. What is the basic difference between all three systems?

Solar hybrid system is a solar solution that comprises of PV panels, batteries and a hybrid/off-grid inverter. It works with or without grid support and is designed for self-sustainability. Solar grid interactive is a system that is in sync with your local grid. It requires a grid interactive inverter and solar panels. It works to send excess solar power generated back to your local grid via a net meter. It only works as long as grid supply is available. If electricity gets cut off, this system no longer functions. Solar grid interactive hybrid brings you the Power of 2. It consists of a grid interactive hybrid inverter, batteries and solar panels. When grid supply is available, it will send excess solar power back to your local grid via net metering and when grid power is not available, it will use your batteries to run your critical loads.